Sunday 19 February 2012

Sweet memory

Do you have a sweet memory? Many people have a sweet memory such as get the best result in their education, go to travel with family and their friends, etc. I also have sweet memory and I will never forget forever. My sweet memory is go travel with my sister to Sipadan Island.
 For the first of all we must register at Uncle Chang to got their service such as go and back from Sipadan to Semporna and get permit from Taman- Taman Sabah. They were provided breakfast and lunch and equipments to snorkeling and diving. At the time we got discount in charge goes to Sipadan is RM250 for each person. We fell so luck at that time because go to Sipadan is expensive.
We go to Sipadan at 8.00 A.M.  After that we stop at locus stand to got some breakfast before go to Sipadan. There are guide tourists to guide us how to use the equipments completely and make safety. After reach to Sipadan we must register at force party this is because Sipadan is one of Island defend. We only go to snorkeling to saw quarrel under the sea. The most beautiful viewed I have no seen in my life is amazing under sea of Sipadan. There are so many types of fish and plants such barracuda, starfish, turtle, etc. we can’t stand at the plants it can make death of the plants.

Monday 6 February 2012

Malaysia Anti Corruption Commission

Malaysia Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) is a government agency in Malaysia that investigates and prosecutes corruption in the public and private sectors. Start on 6 January 2009 MACC excepted to follow Prime Minister’s Assembly. This is because, MACC tried to avoid preception of social which is MACC is under control and influence of government. In addition Badan Pencegah Rasuah change goes to Malaysia Anti Corruption Commission on 1st January 2009. There are principles of MACC. First is free. Commission is free and not affected in make a decision. In addition, travels daily are not referred to anywhere party.
Second is transparency. Travel activities MACC monitored and advised by five distinctive bodies that are free, followed by reports activities presentation MACC in parliament.
Third is professional. Commission employees’ act based parameter of the laws and codes work ethic office with knowledge and skills flyer moderation in order to implement tasks with competent, creative, innovative and effective.

Role model or Role Terrorists

Do you know who Datuk Seri Khir Toyo is? Datuk Seri Khir Toyo is ex Head of State in Selangor. Unfortunately he was charged in court Shah Alam Sessions’s court on 6 December 2010 for the offense of section 165 of the code. There are two factors he was charged in court. The first is two lots of land and second is bungalow at a price suspicious on 29 May 2007. Shamsuddin Hayroni is Ditamas Director was purchased those lots of land and bungalow to Datuk Seri Khir Toyo with RM3.5 million. But Ditamas Company was bought those lots and bungalow with RM6.5 million. Ditamas Director was also charge under Section 109 and 165 of the same code for abetting the act Datuk Seri Khir Toyo. So he is not good became a role model to new generation because of greedy in himself.

Sunday 29 January 2012


When we think of tourism, we just think of people visiting a particularly place for visiting friends and relatives, taking vacation and having a good time. But tourism have many definitions. Tourism is comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purpose. Tourism divided by four categories.
 First is international tourism divided by two which inbound tourism and outbound tourism. Inbound is visits to a country by nonresidents. Outbound tourism is visits by residents of a country to other country. Second is internal tourism. Internal tourism is visits by residents and nonresidents of the country of reference. Third is domestics tourism. Domestics tourism is visits by residents of a country to their own country. Last but not least is national tourism. National tourism is internal plus outbound tourism which is the resident tourism market travel agents, airlines, and other supplier. 

Saturday 28 January 2012


Do you know of Turjia ladys? Turjia ladys is from Zhanjajie China. Turjia ladys are different from other ladies at world this is because they must cry with sing and leave their family after married. So they must practice cries and sing properly and fulfill with emotion.
The place that they practice is Lake Beafeny. This lake also knows as places of the throne of fairy and very deep in China. They have a teacher to teach how methods of cries with sing. Age of a lady to get education of cries with sing is around 16 years old and above.
Before begin cry practice, they must start with voice excises. At 6 A.M they must go to this lake for practice cry with sing. It was funny and very difficult if not have emotion to cry. The family will help this bride how cry properly with very emotion. The family will give support and give advice to groom.
If they fail to cry, the groom will assume that they not get dignity, level value of intelligent and degradation.